Vascular Specialists

Generally, vascular conditions have become quite common, affecting most people since they have adopted sedentary lifestyles. Most people usually spend their time doing white-collar jobs, which involve sitting in an office all day long and later driving home to rest. As a result, they do not spare time to exercise, which is key in preventing vascular conditions because it helps burn fats in your body. You can therefore consult an Evergreen Park nurse practitioner who will educate you on effective ways of preventing vascular conditions, thus ensuring you remain healthy. However, it would also be beneficial if you understood some of the common conditions that make most people consult vascular specialists; they include:

Spider veins

They are small veins commonly found beneath the skin surface, often indicating underlying vascular conditions. In most cases, these veins are usually thin and tiny but can be of various colors and are mostly referred to as spider veins since they look like spider webs. They are commonly associated with varicose veins that mainly interfere with your appearance and cause other symptoms such as itching, discomfort, or burning. Spider veins also commonly affect your leg veins but can also appear on other body parts such as hands, chest, or face.

Aortic aneurysm

Of importance to note is that an aneurysm usually forms when the walls of a blood vessel bulge. Therefore, an aortic aneurysm occurs when the walls of your aorta bulge. Generally, the aorta is the largest artery in the body responsible for supplying blood to other body parts. It mainly originates from the heart and passes through your chest and abdomen. As a result, you can easily develop a thoracic aortic aneurysm or abdominal aneurysm. Aortic aneurysms can form on any part of your aorta and the common types are saccular and fusiform aneurysms.

Peripheral artery disease

It is a vascular concern that occurs when fats and cholesterol accumulate on artery walls, thus preventing blood flow. In most cases, the condition occurs when artery walls have been damaged following underlying conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. As time goes by, calcium and other deposits combine with fats, making the plague harden and enlarge. As a result, it causes your artery to narrow down, preventing or restricting blood flow.

Carotid artery disease

Carotid artery disease commonly occurs when the arteries supplying blood to your brain are blocked or clogged by a plague. When these arteries are blocked, your brain is deprived of oxygen and blood, and you may suffer a stroke. Reduced oxygen supply to your brain, causes brain cells to start dying and often results in stroke.

Peripheral aneurysm

A peripheral aneurysm is any aneurysm formed on arteries or blood vessels other than the aorta. Common peripheral aneurysms include femoral, carotid, visceral, iliac, and popliteal. You should note that a popliteal aneurysm is the most common peripheral aneurysm.

Suppose you suffer from any of the above vascular conditions, there is no need to worry or bear their symptoms because there are various effective treatment methods to help deal with your vascular concerns and restore blood flow. Common treatment options include carotid stenting, sclerotherapy, peripheral artery angioplasty treatment, and other non-surgical treatments.

Therefore, you can reach out to vascular specialists if you have any vascular condition where you will receive the best therapy for your condition, and inquire about some of the preventive measures you can apply to help prevent some of these conditions.

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