Disk Replacement

Low back pain is a common complaint across all ages and onsets for several reasons. One such reason is a damaged disk in your spine which should cushion your vertebrae to allow movement and rotation without bones rubbing together. Correcting the issue will necessitate disc replacement Dayton, a surgical procedure that removes and replaces the disk with an artificial one. Disk replacement offers a quicker recovery because it does not require bone to heal. If you are scheduled for a disk replacement, you can read the following discussion to learn about the procedure.

When Do You Need A Disc Replacement?

Your doctor will recommend this procedure if you have low back pain and need effective treatment. However, your doctor will need to test you and determine if you meet the standard requirements for this treatment. You will fit the criteria if your back pain originates from the disks in your lower spine, you have no joint diseases and nerve compression, you have never undergone spinal surgery, and you do not have a spinal deformity. You may also be eligible for this treatment if you are not excessively overweight.

Does The Procedure Have Potential Risks?

You have potential risks with disk replacement surgery, including infections, dislocation of the artificial disk, implant fracture, spine narrowing, stiffness, and blood clots in your legs. Your doctor will help you understand the different risks of this procedure, and then you can raise your concerns before the procedure.

Do You Need Special Preparations Before Treatment?

You may need to undergo a physical examination and diagnostic imaging exam to show the extent of damage in your spine. As you prepare for surgery, you may need to quit smoking for a while and avoid certain medications, especially blood thinners. Your doctor will ask about your current medications and supplements and tell you which ones to avoid. Additionally, you will not eat or drink anything for a few hours following surgery.

What Happens During Disk Replacement Surgery?

First, your doctor will administer anesthesia through an IV so you can sleep throughout surgery. Your surgeon will then cut through your abdomen to allow access to your spine. Next, your surgeon will remove the damaged disk and replace it with a new artificial disk.

What Should You Expect During Recovery?

Your doctor will prescribe you pain medications if you are experiencing pain after treatment. You may need to start walking following surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots. Your doctor will show you gentle exercises you can practice to help you heal quickly. However, you may need to avoid straining activities for a while to allow recovery. Complete recovery may take up to a few months. You will notice improved pain symptoms as you recover.

Disk replacement has shown effectiveness in improving low back pain. However, it will not eliminate the pain. During treatment, your doctor removes the damaged portion of your disk and replaces it with a new artificial disk. You can then continue living pain-free as you go about your routine activities. As you continue stretching and walking, your recovery will continue until you complete recovery after a few months. Before you begin your treatment, you can talk to your doctor about what you expect of the procedure and the possible risks and benefits.

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